Powerful Grid control for .NET applications

Oct 02

After searching a while for a powerful and affordable grid control, I have found iGrid.NET from 10Tec, an Ukrainian software house.

iGrid.NET Home

Not only that this grid is ways faster than the DataGridView and the ListView from .NET framework itself, and priced at a very affordable level, but also the author has replied very fast to my questions – so also the support is very good.

ObjectListView – higly recommended

Sep 07

Recently I had to fight with the slowness and missing possibilites of the .NET listview, at least compared to the ListView class I had in Visual Objects.

Then I have found ObjectListView – an opensource ListView class hosted on SourceForge:


TopItem property of .NET ListView fails

Sep 04

Today I have lost a lot of time because the .TopItem property of a ListView does not worked. After assigning a new item to this property, the TopItem most of the time remained unchanged.

The cause was a bug in the .NET framework: if the text value of the first column is empty, then setting the TopItem property fails.