Windows 10 do not likes the netlogon share on server (Samba or Windows)

Aug 28

Today, I had an interesting issue: Windows 10 (workgroup setting, local account) does not connect to the Samba netlogon share, even with the latest Samba version (4.2.3), it asks username and password.
Access to other shares works without any issue.
I had also checked the HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanWorkstation\Parameters\AllowInsecureGuest setting – it does not change anything.
My temporary solution was to create a new share, identical to the netlogon share, with another name – I choosed netlogonw10. Calling the login script from this share works.

The same is true also for netlogon shares on Windows servers, if the machine is not in the Windows domain

Windows 10 Upgrade experiences

Aug 17

On this page, I will give Windows 10 Upgrade experiences, from our company PCs and from the PCs of customers.

First of all, the Windows 10 upgrades seem to work very well, specially when coming from Windows 8.1. I have upgraded several of our own machines (Fujitsu Stylistic Q703, Acer Iconia Tab W700, Fujitsu Esprimo X923T, an old Fujitsu Lifebook C1410, Acer Veriton N4620G with an i3-2377 all from Windows 8.1, without any problem).
I have also not encountered any problems on my former development notebook, a Fujitsu Lifebook E8410 with Nvidia Graphics, upgraded from Windows 7 Pro.
I have also upgraded several custom machines successfully, most of the Fujitsu brand.

Unfortunately, I was not able to upgrade my current development machine, a Fujitsu Celsius H720. I have tried it two times, both times the upgrade from Windows 7 Pro failed with the message “Die für das System reservierte Partition konnte nicht aktualisiert werden” – traduced to “The reserved partition for the system could not be upgraded”. So I need to reinstall this machine from scratch.

One of my customers had an issue with a Dell Venue Pro 10″ with Windows 8.1 Pro: the machine hung in the reboot process for nearly an hour, and after a reboot the machine was returned to Windows 8.1. Addendum: I have cleaned up the HDD and installed Windows 10 successfully from an USB stick.

Another machine, a Fujitsu Esprimo P510, after the upgrade had lost the connection to the network – no IP address could be retrieved and also a static IP don’t helped. I downloaded the correct driver from Intels homepage, installed it, and the machine returned to work. It had an Intel I217-V chip.

A Acer Veriton with Intel Atom (D510) could not be upgraded – it hung in the reboot phase, and restored after than. I have tried the upgrade 3 times, without luck.

And a link for everyone interested in the upgrade: if you have more than one machine, build an USB stick for the upgrade with the Media Creation Tool:

Aug 08

This one is not a tecnical issue, but something I would like to share.

Yesterday, I have received a very amusing email (unfortunately, it is in German, and translating it to English would loose the amusing elements):

Guten Tag,

seit vielen Jahren biete ich News, Infos und Verbraucherinformationen auf meinem Blog an.
In letzter Zeit fehlt mir jedoch das Geld, um mich meiner Mission in angemessenem Umfang widtmen zu können.
Da ich jedoch denke, dass meine Mission für jeden meiner Mitmenschen von großer Wichtigkeit ist, geht Ihnen Ihnen hiermit eine

Bestellbestätigung zur monatlichen Zahlung von 19,90 ?

für die nächsten 12 Monate zu. Sollten Sie mit der Zahlung NICHT einverstanden sein, dann

widersprechen Sie diesem rechtsgültigen Vertrag durch Ausfüllen des Kontaktformulares auf meinem Blog
Widersprüchen per E-Mail wird NICHT (!) stattgegeben, es wird in diesem Fall nach 7 Tagen eine rechtsgültige Mahnung per Post folgen!

Nachfolgend Ihre Bestell-Details:


Rechnungsnummer: 31016627
Datum: 05..08.2015

Artikelnr. Stück Artikeltext Unit Price Total EURO
1001 1 Unterstützung 19,90 EUR 19,90 EUR
Vertragslaufzeit 12 Monate bis 09/2016
Summe der Artikel: 238,80 EUR
Versandkosten: 0,00 EUR
Gesamtsumme: 238,80 EUR

Diese Leistung ist umsatzsteuerfrei gemäß §19 (1) Umsatzsteuergesetz

Bitte überweisen Sie den Rechnungsbetrag innerhalb von 7 Tagen nach Erhalt dieser Rechnung entweder per Paypal oder Google Wallet an folgende E-Mail-Adresse:

Bankdaten erhalten Sie auf Nachfrage per E-Mail.

Verwendungszweck: Unterstützung

Nach Bezahlung erhalten Sie noch eine ordentliche Abschlussrechnung Mit freundlichen Grüßen O.Forseti

Sie erhalten diese E-Mail aufgrund einer rechtsgültigen Bestellung auf
Impressum: O. Forseti, Bürgerheimstr. 23, 10365 Berlin
Telefon: (030) 47475582 , Telefax: (030) 47475583

(in short: there is someone sending an invoice for supporting his blog for 12 months, asking 19,90 Euro for every month, and requesting the payment in 7 days with PayPal od Google Wallet.)
The entire email is full with syntax errors, gives as invoice address only the email address to which the invoice is sent, and indicates an IP address originating the order that cannot be mine, as I’m based in Italy and the indicated address is from Germany:

Origin of

I’m very curios, if the author of this very obscure invoice will re-contact me, as I plan to answer such an email.