Event sample

Feb 21

Today, trying to understand also events in Vulcan.NET/X#, I wrote the following sample that should give an idea how events work in Vulcan.NET and X#.

#using EventSample

begin namespace EventSample

function Start( ) as void
  local oClass2 as Sample2Class

  System.Console.WriteLine(“Start of the SampleEvent application”)

  oClass2 := Sample2Class{}


public delegate SampleHandle( cParameter as string ) as void

class SampleClass
  public event oSampleEvent as SampleHandle



method CallSampleEvent() as void

  oSampleEvent( “Hi there” )


end class

class Sample2Class



method RegisterEvent() as void
  local oClass as SampleClass

  oClass := SampleClass{}
  oClass:oSampleEvent += self:method2


public method method2( cParameter as string ) as void

  System.Console.WriteLine( “method2:” + cParameter )


end class

end namespace

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