httpListener class in Vulcan.NET/X#
This is code for a Vulcan.NET or X# Listener class (ported over from C#):
// Application : HttpListener
// httpListener.prg , Created : 16.02.2016 08:37
// User : Wolfgang
// C# code see here:
// to make it run without admin rights you need something like this one:
// netsh http add urlacl url="http://*:8080/" user=[username] listen=yes#using System
#using System.Net
#using System.Text
#using System.IO
#using VulcanHttpListener.riedmann.itbegin namespace
function Start() as void
local oProgram as MainProgramoProgram := MainProgram{}
class MainProgram
protect _oListener as HttpListenerconstructor()
_oListener := HttpListener{}
method Start() as void
_oListener:Prefixes:Add( "http://*:8080/" )
Console.WriteLine( "Listening on port 8080, hit enter to stop" )
_oListener:BeginGetContext( AsyncCallback{ self:GetContextCallback }, null )
method GetContextCallback( oResult as IAsyncResult ) as void
local oContext as HttpListenerContext
local oRequest as HttpListenerRequest
local oResponse as HttpListenerResponse
local oSB as StringBuilder
local oString as string
local oBuffer as byte[]
local oOutput as StreamoContext := _oListener:EndGetContext( oResult )
oRequest := oContext:Request
oResponse := oContext:ResponseoSB := StringBuilder{}
oSB:Append( e"\n" )
oSB:AppendFormat( e"HttpMethod: {0}\n", oRequest:HttpMethod )
oSB:AppendFormat( e"URI: {0}\n", oRequest:Url:AbsoluteUri )
oSB:AppendFormat( e"Local path: {0}\n", oRequest:Url:LocalPath )
oSB:Append( e"\n" )
foreach cKey as string in oRequest:QueryString:Keys
oSB:AppendFormat( e"Query: {0} = {1}\n", cKey, oRequest:QueryString[cKey] )
oSB:Append( e"\n" )oString := oSB:ToString()
oBuffer := System.Text.Encoding.UTF8:GetBytes( oString )
oResponse:ContentLength64 := oBuffer:Length
oOutput := oResponse:OutputStream
oOutput:Write( oBuffer, 0, oBuffer:Length )_oListener:BeginGetContext( AsyncCallback{ self, @GetContextCallback() }, null )
end class
end namespace