Setup shared Fax on SBS 2011 for Windows XP computers

Jun 09

Problem: Windows SBS 2011 don’t has 32 Bit drivers. You can use the ones from Windows Vista, but they don’t work for Windows XP.

You need:

–         A Windows Vista 32 Bit machine, and precisely the folder c:\windows\system32\driverstore\FileRepository\prnms002.

–         The fax driver files from a Windows Server 2003. Alternatively you can find them here:

There is a Microsoft KB article on this:

The solution comes most from the Technet forums post, but was tested by myself.


  • In the share properties from the fax printer on the server, add 32 bit drivers, using the ones from the Windows Vista installation
  • Stop the spooler: net stop spooler
    This will ask you to stop also the fax service.
  • Copy the files FXSAPI.DLL, FXSDRV.DLL, FXSRES.DLL, FXSTIFF.DLL, FXSUI.DLL and FXSWZRD.DLL from the Windows Server 2003 installation (please look at the KB article where to find them or download them using the link in the Technet forums) to the folder c:\windows\system32\spool\drivers\w32x86\3 overwriting the existing ones
  • Insert this in the registry:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Print\Environments\Windows NT
x86\Drivers\Version-3\Microsoft Shared Fax Driver]
“Configuration File”=”FXSUI.DLL”
“Data File”=”FXSUI.DLL”
“Help File”=””
“Dependent Files”=hex(7):46,00,58,00,53,00,57,00,5a,00,52,00,44,00,2e,00,44,00,
00,00,46,00,58,00,53,00,41,00,50,00,49,00,2e,00,44,00,4c,00,4c,00,00,00,00, 00
“Previous Names”=hex(7):00,00,90,90
“OEM URL”=””

  • Restart the spooler: net start spooler
  • Restart the fax: net start fax
  • Install the fax on the XP clients like a shared printer. It could be that the client is asking for a Windows XP CD, so better you have one.
  • Done!


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